Global Coordinating Officer

Mentoring Cmdt Amb Alistair Soyode

Global Coordinating Officer

Mentoring Cmdt Amb Alistair Soyode is the Global coordinating officer of the boy child Advancement and protection Foundation international. An  Entrepreneur, Leadership Expert, and Social Advocate*

Mentoring Cmdt Alistair is an internationally recognized entrepreneur, leadership expert, and social advocate with a diverse portfolio spanning Media, Corporate Management, Diversity, Sport, Mentoring, Diaspora, and BME Representation. As the Founder of BEN Television, Europe's pioneering BAME Satellite Channel, and the Mentoring Commander of NIDMECORP, a prominent mentoring platform, Amb. Alistair has established himself as a driving force in empowering individuals and fostering leadership development on a global scale.

Professional Expertise:

Cmdt. Alistair's expertise encompasses a wide spectrum of industries and disciplines, including media, agriculture corporate management, hospitality & tourism, diversity inclusion, sport, mentoring, manufacturing, and diaspora engagement. With a keen focus on creating an enabling environment for empowerment, he utilizes self-motivation to nurture the next generation of leaders and strategic partners. 

Network and Influence:

Renowned for his extensive network and large database of potential African and BAME leaders across public and private sectors, Cmrd Alistair possesses a solid foundation for fostering collaboration and driving impactful initiatives. His connections within both the public and private establishments serve as invaluable resources for advancing diversity, national initiatives inclusion, and representation on a global scale.

Commercial Acumen:

Drawing from his wealth of commercial and personal experience, Cmrd & Cmdt Alistair offers invaluable insights and guidance for startups, existing ventures, and expansion endeavors. His involvement in various media ventures, from channel acquisition to satellite launch and multi-platform distribution, underscores his prowess in navigating complex business landscapes and achieving tangible results.

Philosophy and Approach:

As a positive thinker and firm believer in the potential of every individual, he embodies a philosophy of optimism and empowerment. He advocates for inclusivity, equal opportunity, and the power of self-belief in driving personal and professional success. CNN featured him as a face during Nigeria at fiftieth independence programme.

Diaspora Engagement:

With a deep understanding of Nigerian, African, and Black communities in Europe, he has played a pivotal role in bridging gaps and fostering connections within the diaspora. His leadership in global Nigerian organizations underscores his commitment to promoting unity, collaboration, and progress among diasporic communities worldwide.

He has won various awards, recognitions, held positions, met and hosted global leaders, ministers and Presidents in his offices. 

In summary, Mentoring Cmdt Alistair's multifaceted expertise, influential network, and unwavering commitment to empowerment position him as a distinguished figure in the international arena, dedicated to shaping a brighter future for generations to come.